Çizgi film oyuncakları. Prenses Sofia'nın ailesi ile tanışıyoruz

Doll bedroom setup for Frozen Elsa doll. Princess Elsa dollhouse bedroom tour. Elsa’s doll bed, doll desk, doll vanity and doll dresser in dollhouse room for American Girl doll. Setting up Elsa’s Frozen bedroom with doll toys and toy furniture! Doll bedroom and pretend play dollhouse bedroom set up! SunshineSprinkles Channel creates fun and entertaining kid friendly videos on how to play with dolls. Pretend play with Barbie, Chelsea, Anna, Elsa, Anya, Elsia, American Girl Doll, Our Generation Dolls, Baby Born, Baby Alive, and baby dolls. Kids will watch how to play with dolls dress up, morning and evening routine in doll bedroom, doll bathroom and cooking in doll kitchen. Play time with new doll bedrooms!