How to use your Kua (pelvis) to make you stronger and prevent stress on your knees Master Jou Tsung Hwa, author of "The Dao of Taijiquan," taught that one should use danitan (lower abdomen) pull-in and push-out (compression & expansion) as the most effective way to build and cultivate qi energy, in tai chi, qigong and Daoist meditation methods. He used this to replace his former practice of "reverse breathing" and found it to give far more powerful results. Here, Shifu Loretta Wollering - owner of Internal Gardens (tai chi NJ school), and content editor of the last edition of Jou's bestselling tai chi book - introduces the basic concept. Many students have misapplied this from Master Jou's book and developed qi deviation or excess tension. But there's a very simple way to fix this error, as covered in this free tai chi video. Using the dantian compression and expansion makes your tai chi or qigong at least 10 times more powerful. It also heals digestive issues, strengthens sexual energy, "detoxes" the organs, helps back pain and the abdominal organs. In time, it will also amplify the qi energy and give you better "grounded-ness."