二更 | 天津只有狗不理包子?征服乾隆爷的竟是咱天津菜!

什么原因让我赶到河北找他并见到他后大笑不止?他与他BF相处6年没有分手的秘诀是什么?他到底幸福吗?他对重病同志有哪些善良之举?同志最看重的类型和年龄究竟是什么?本集为您带来答案。 Why did I drive long distance to find him and why did I laugh out loud when met him? what is the secret of maintaining a relationship as gay couple for almost 6 years? Is he really happy as gay in this town? What have he done for those dying people who has infected hiv and AIDS? what the types and age groups are the most popular in every Chinese gay mind?(This video is subtitled) 几个月前对他的专访:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bEXj-H4qMTI == ABOUT == I am a gay vlogger in Beijing. Email:137242385@qq.com 微信公众号: 北同 BiliBli & Sina微博 :北同_boy99 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gaoxiaoshu Telegram我的电报:https://t.me/gaoxiaoshu My Homepage:http://boy99.cn 如果你想请我喝咖啡,将感激不尽 Paypal悬赏:https://www.paypal.me/beitong 微信悬赏:http://boy99.cn/beitong 欢迎帮我订阅,您的鼓励是我为LGBT持续发声的动力。请不要将视频搬运至国内,谢谢^_^ Childhood by Mike Chino https://soundcloud.com/mike-chino Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported — CC BY-SA 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/b... Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/RWaPL0km2fs