【师父开示】- 佛说:“人寿百岁,才得十年乐尔。”

▶ 改变您的命运经过三大法宝:念经、许愿、放生。 ▶ Change your Destiny through Reciting Scriptures, Practising Life Liberation & Making Great Vows. ▶ Merubah Nasib Anda dengan Tiga Pusaka Dharma: Lafalkan Sutra, Berikrar Melakukan Kebajikan dan Pelepasan Makhluk Hidup. ✿✿✿ 关于心灵法门 ✿✿✿ 卢军宏台长所弘扬的心灵法门解决了许多医学上都无法根治的疑难杂症,许多自闭症的孩子、痴呆的老人、癌症的病人都被治愈。 观世音菩萨普度众生,大慈大悲,台长走这条路线的方向,不是要到处宣传自己,而是实实在在、默默无闻的在救度众生,让每一家庭都好,让每个人的心灵都好。 卢台长免费为人指点迷津,替信众治疗心理病,找到病因后,就教他们念经,台长所提倡的念经、许愿、放生,是教导众生行善的行为,并没有鼓吹迷信之嫌。 在心灵法门的书籍之中,有多少人被一生判死刑、有多少人在感情、事业、家庭深受折磨,念经后都得到了改变。心灵法门就是帮助他们脱离苦海的神医良药。凡是认真按照卢台长的指导去做的人,都有了很大程度的受益和体会。 ✿✿✿ About Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door ✿✿✿ Master Lu is a renowned Buddhist master and Spiritual Leader. As the "World Peace Award (Buddhism)" winner, Master Lu has been dedicating himself to the world peace through Buddhism practice. With over 10 million followers worldwide. Guan Yin Bodhisattva, also known as Avalokiteshvara in Sanskrit, is the Bodhisattva of Great Compassion. She is widely venerated throughout the world. She became Buddha innumerable eons ago, but with her great vows of compassion, she returned to the world to rescue beings in hardship. Over 10 million people around the world including Singapore, Malaysia, China and Australia has benefited immeasurably from this wonder and effective practice. ✿✿✿ Tentang Xin Ling Fa Men ✿✿✿ Dengan cara khusus, Master Lu Jun Hong membuat umat percaya akan karma sambil mengajarkan Dharma "Guan Shi Yin Pu Sa Xin Ling Fa Men (Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door)". Master Lu adalah pimpinan Stasion Radio Australia Dong Fang Hua Yu Dian Tai, juga sebagai ketua organisasi Buddha di Australia. Master Lu sudah lebih dari 10 tahun membabarkan Dharma Buddha melalui siaran radio. Kegigihan Master Lu Jun Hong demi perdamaian dunia telah mendapatkan kepastian dan pengakuan dari berbagai badan international dunia! Saat ini telah mempunyai sedikitnya puluhan juta umat di seluruh dunia yang ikut menjalankan ibadah Xin Ling Fa Men karena membawa dan merasakan manfaat yang nyata dalam kehidupan mereka. -------- Official Chinese Blog 卢军宏台长的博客 ▶ http://lujunhong2or.com Official Multi-language Website 多语言网址 ▶ http://guanyincitta.com Official Email 邮件 ▶ richardlujunhong@sina.com -------- Introduction to Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door 心灵法门介绍 ▶ http://guanyincitta.info Recitation Audio with Scriptures and Pinyin 经文教念版音频 ▶ http://xinlingfamen.info Guan Yin Citta Worldwide Contacts 心灵法门共修会地址 ▶ http://xlfmlink.com/locations Online eBooks (English/中文/Bahasa Indonesia) 心灵法门电子书籍 ▶ http://ebooks.xinlingfamen.info ✿ Follow Us ✿ Website ▶ http://xlfmlink.com/NOOgI YouTube ▶ http://xlfmlink.com/ylPQt Facebook ▶ http://xlfmlink.com/SBqiL Instagram ▶ http://xlfmlink.com/oHGTX Twitter ▶ http://xlfmlink.com/6h8nA Note: All books and information are free of charge. 注:一切书籍与资料皆是免费结缘。