
VLOG201803:走入朝鲜族同志小哥的世界:他叫跳跳,与他BF生活近6年,在韩国呆过几个月,这是他生活的北京六环外的远郊世界,为何北京郊外同志不多?小哥亲自传授如何向家里人出柜,和他认识十年了,回忆第一次的场景,小哥抛开烦恼,勇敢做自己,吐露自己的同志生活心路历程 Little Uncle Gay Vlog: his name is tiaotiao, who worked as local real estate clerk, has been in love with his boyfriend almost 6 years, this is his world outside the 6th Ring road of Beijing, why very few gay guys can be found in this town? share the experiences on how to come out as gay to family. We have known each other for ten years, and remembered when we first met, dare to be yourself! Give tiaotiao a thumb up! == ABOUT == I am a gay vlogger in Beijing. Email:137242385@qq.com 微信公众号: 北同 BiliBli & Sina微博 :北同_boy99 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gaoxiaoshu Telegram我的电报:https://t.me/gaoxiaoshu My Homepage:http://boy99.cn 如果你想请我喝咖啡,将感激不尽 Paypal悬赏:https://www.paypal.me/beitong 微信悬赏:http://boy99.cn/beitong 欢迎帮我关注和订阅我的各种平台,但我的youtube是我的首发和主要努力方向,您的鼓励和肯定是我为LGBT持续发声的动力。请不要将视频搬运至国内,谢谢^_^ BGM: Walkout