泰式肉碎蛋飯 - 試食 Pad Ka Prao Mhoo - Food Tasting

熱狗淨係得洋蔥同芥末係唔夠嘅,最好有啲肉醬係上面。今日同大家介紹個朋友: Sloppy Joe :) 如果你鍾意呢個做法記得"like"同訂閱我個頻道啦。多謝。 A hotdog with just onions and mustard just don't cut it for me. Gotta have a bit of meat sauce on, and Sloppy Joe ain't half bad. If you like this vid, click "like" and subscribe to my channel. Cheers. For 熱狗包/Hotdog Bun: 麵粉250克/gram of plain flour 蛋1隻/egg 酵母1茶匙/tsp of active dried yeast 鹽1茶匙/tsp of salt 暖水80毫升/ml of lukewarm water For Sloppy Joe 肉醬: 免治牛肉400克/grams of minced beef 大番茄1個/large tomato 洋蔥1個/onion 綠椒1個/green bell pepper 辣椒片少許/a pinch of chili flakes 紅酒醋1湯匙/tbsp of red wine vinegar 喼汁1湯匙/tbsp of worcestershire sauce 番茄膏1湯匙/tbsp of tomato puree 茄汁2湯匙/tbsp of ketchup 牛肉清湯300毫升/ml of beef broth 水半杯/half cup of water 鹽少許/salt to taste 黑胡椒粉少許/black pepper to taste Column: http://columns.classes.com.hk/bob Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bobsuruncle Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/homecookhk/ Weibo: http://weibo.com/u/5100238752 Instagram: http://instagram.com/bobsyouruncle1981