圈内好友家庭聚餐vlog,顺便聊聊对国内已婚同志看法 (cc字幕)

四个G去超市买菜做饭,明哥做的酸菜鱼,其他三基友做的锅贴,可惜做成了馅饼。顺便闲聊直播的几大假象、国内看牙花了多少钱,以及我对“正确价值观”的理解。 Four Gay guys went shopping for dinner, Bro Ming cooked “Boiled Fish with Pickled Cabbage and Chili” this time, and we made pot stickers but it failed. Then tell you the truth about live-streaming app, guess how much I paid for teeth fixed in Beijing? My option on “Correct values” == ABOUT == I am a gay vlogger in Beijing. Email:137242385@qq.com 微信公众号: 北同 BiliBli & Sina微博 :北同_boy99 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gaoxiaoshu Telegram我的电报:https://t.me/gaoxiaoshu My Homepage:http://boy99.cn 如果您想请我喝咖啡,将感激不尽 Paypal悬赏:https://www.paypal.me/beitong 微信悬赏:http://boy99.cn/beitong 欢迎帮我关注和订阅我的各种平台,但我的youtube是我的首发和主要努力方向,您的鼓励和肯定是我为LGBT持续发声的动力。请不要将视频搬运至国内,谢谢^_^ 背景音乐BGM来源: Island by Declan DP Music https://soundcloud.com/declandp Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/b... Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/W-VL3ErafAg