20150216 天天饮食 盐水鸭

小贴士:1、盐炒好后,要趁热擦抹鸭子。2、卤水要提前一些时间煮,放凉后使用。3、煮鸭子时,水一定不能沸腾,只能保持微开。4、做好的盐水鸭放入冰箱保存时要用密封袋装好。 tips: 1. rub the duck with the salt as soon as the salt is out of the pan 2. Make the marinade sauce ahead of time and chill until time to use it. 3. when cooking the duck make sure the water is not boiling but only simmering. 4. when storing the cooked duck in the fridge make sure you keep it in an air tight bag.