在台碰壁 去新加坡變成"寶"!台人變追"星"族 克難生活換經驗|李天怡主持|【消失的國界PART1】20170901|三立新聞台

教你YouTube賺錢秘訣|Tips On How To Make Money On YouTube:http://goo.gl/msrnP5 Instagram:@Chachaxxtv Facebook:chacha tv https://www.facebook.com/Chacha-TV-583986105107144/?fref=nf Business inquiries : chachaxxtv@gmail.com Hello 大家好 我是chacha~謝謝大家收看我的影片! 不知道在座觀看這個影片的有多少個人在新加坡留學/曾經在新加坡留學呢? 因為在新加坡待太久,所以最近都有點忘記我剛到新加坡的時候的事。 直到Aura&Linda 11月來新加坡找我玩,通過我們的討論,才想起當時我剛到新加坡的感受。 (超健忘) 這些事情我告訴了國內的家人,他們跟當初的我一樣,目瞪口呆。 所以我就想要分享給不知道的你們看啦^^ 另外,如果你是在收看我影片的新加坡人,也希望這個影片能讓你知道中國和新加坡在某些事物上的區別喔! I wonder how many of you here have been to Singapore/are Singaporeans. As I have been staying in Singapore for 8 years, I can’t really remember what were the things that surprise me when I first came to Singapore. However, Aura & LindaTea TV came to Singapore and I brought them to various places for their trip, they also told me about what are the things that surprise them. My conversation with them really brought back many memories and I decided to make this video to share with you guys. Hope you know more about Singapore through this video. If you are Singaporean, really hope that you would know more about the differences between China and Singapore. ♥Chacha超~~級~~愛看喜歡的 YouTuber♥ Shenlim TV Maomao TV Sanyuan 三元慧吾 Ryuuu TV 미라 Mira's Garden 蔡阿嘎 笑波子 魚乾 香格拉 Shangrilayt Jason(大J) LimBigYong 放火 人生肥宅x尊 6yingwei ErnestDoCrazy chacha的關鍵字: 新加坡必吃、新加坡零食、新加坡人、新加坡式華文、新加坡式英文、華語、中文、中国女孩、中国留学生、广东人、广州、试吃、推荐、星加坡、星加坡零食、星加坡人、新加坡、新加坡生活﹑新加坡旅行﹑新加坡美食﹑新加坡分享﹑新加坡自由行、新加坡好去處﹑新加坡分享﹑新加坡必去﹑新加坡必食﹑ 新加坡必买﹑新加坡必知﹑新加坡必玩﹑广东话教室﹑新加坡生活、Singapore, Singdarin、singlish、 traveling, travel, Singapore must go, Singapore must eat, food, must try, Singaporean, guangdong, guangzhou, chinese, chinese girl, study abroad Similar Videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s2AebMhnK4M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eql97m0TTB0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zy2WyTEG7_Y