In 2016 we travelled for a month through the great expanses of Mongolia. We started the trip with a few days in Ulaanbaatar to experience the sprawling metropolis. We also had a chance to go to Hustai National Park not far from UB to see the last remaining wild horse, the Takhi. Then we went on a ten day adventure to go live with the Tsaatan Reindeer Herder tribe in the very north on the border of Siberia. This was an incredible experience and it was very demanding with multiple days on horseback after a long strenuous multi-day 4WD trip. After a short recovery we went to the eastern part of the country to the Bayan-Ölgii Province to attend the Golden Eagle Festival. This festival has really been the focus of the Mongolian travel in recent time, very much because of Aishol-pan the "Eagle Huntress". We had a chance to meet this incredible girl who is certainly an inspiration to women across the world. After the festival we went and lived with an eagle hunter family deep in the Altai Mountain Range. We hope you will enjoy this full length documentary and please subscribe to our channel for more adventures around the world. If you have any questions or comments please leave them here and we will be happy to answer if we can. Visit our travel blog | Check out our Instagram | Join us on Facebook | #mongolia #documentary #adventure