20140917 超级访问 超级访问 朱军谭梅:二十年夫妻梦想照进现实

更多精彩《艺术人生》往期视频,欢迎点击这里订阅:http://www.youtube.com/user...本期节目主要内容: 他是土生土长的农村小伙子,他用歌声表达对父老乡亲的热爱,他八年参加四届青歌赛,他被人称为"青歌王子",获得很多荣誉,而其金奖所获分数至今仍是青歌赛最高纪录。他从农村一路走到今天经历了怎样的人生历练?刘和刚携妻子做客《艺术人生》,讲述自己的人生故事。 In this program, the main content: He is a native of rural young man, he used the song to express the love folks, he participated in eight fourth Youth Song Competition, he was known as the "green song Prince", received many honors, while its gold medal scores obtained Youth Song Competition is still the highest record. He walked all the way from the countryside today experienced a kind of life experience? Liu and his wife just a guest "art of life", tells his life story.