Big Buck Bunny

More of Kung-Fu Bunny here: What would happen if Tom & Jerry's frolics and Wallace & Gromit's antics crossover into cool Kung Fu kicks? What would that look like if cartoon characters' sticks bring live action sets into the mix? This is all in the Kung Fu Bunny, an animated comedy series for an audience from 6 to 99 years old. A young Cartoonist at home creates on paper a smart rebel Bunny and a smug loyal Doggy. Capturing the Bunny then becomes the Cartoonist's and the Doggy's impossible mission in life that goes on and on, chasing through books, fighting mental monsters, joining aliens, controlling giants, failure after failure. The arena is set for kung fu extravaganzas and witty creative adventures! *** Kung-Fu Bunny - Tech Whiz Dog *** To defeat Kung Fu Bunny, only strong is not enough, wise is also needed. So Vincent tries many ways to educate Choy Bao Doggy. After heavy training and hard exams, Choy Bao Doggy turns to be knowledgeable with thick glasses on nose and academic cap on head. Choy Bao Doggy designed a complicated and elaborate machine to catch Kung Fu Bunny. He is so happy when Kung Fu Bunny is caught by the machine, but can this cage box up bunny? Watch the newest episode : Subscribe here : ********************************************************* 更多功夫兔和菜包狗剧集: 《猫和老鼠》的嬉闹+ 中国功夫的酷炫,会发生怎样的故事? 卡通角色与真实场景的结合,又会有怎样的视觉奇观? 这些尽在《功夫兔与菜包狗》 —— 6到99岁观众都会喜欢的“合家欢”动画大餐! 故事发生在一个年轻人家中,他画出了一只聪明却叛逆的兔子,和一只忠诚却自负的狗。从此,抓住兔子就成了主人和狗的精神理想和肉体梦魇,他们屡战屡败,屡败屡战。穿越到书中追兔子,钻进大脑打怪兽,与外星人联手,操纵巨人去战斗。一场场华丽的功夫比拼,一次次妙趣横生的创意冒险就此展开!