
http://www.youtube.com/user... 更多精彩《讲述》栏目内容,欢迎订阅。王嘉儒2010年4月离开家乡甘肃省白银市独自一人跑到横店做了一名临时演员,饰演过很多小角色。为了演艺事业得到更好的发展,2010年,王嘉儒来到北京,从横漂变成北漂,日子也更加艰难了。2012年5月,他果真当上了主角,而且还是一部小成本电影的男一号。杀青后,王嘉儒拿到了报酬,但是下一个角色又不知道什么时候才能开始。 Wang Jiaru April 2010 left home alone Baiyin City, Gansu Province, a man went to Hengdian made ​​a temporary actor, who plays a lot of small roles. In order to get a better career development, in 2010, Wang Jiaru came to Beijing from the horizontal drift into a drift north, the days are more difficult. May 2012, he really became a hero, but also a small budget film actor. After fixing, Wang Jiaru get paid, but do not know what the next role when to start.