歼-16比之前同系战机提升巨大 战力远胜苏-30MKK

軍火買賣,中俄有情結,俄羅斯寧可先進武器賣印度也不給大陸,就怕技術外流,意味中共軍力已不容小覷,甚至常被倚賴技術授權的俄羅斯,反過頭來,要求陸方分享第5代戰機殲-20隱形技術。 早年大陸軍事研發多靠蘇聯支持,即使60年代關係交惡,仍提供全套米格戰鬥機技術,連當時最先進蘇-27戰鬥機,也讓陸方代表團參觀,授權生產,之後,允許中共改良蘇-27成第4代戰機殲-11B系列,兩國「麻吉」程度,在軍事大國中,實屬少見。 印度和大陸一直是俄羅斯兩大軍火客戶,近來大陸自製武器增加,甚至對外輸出,引來俄羅斯戒心。甚至開發第5代T-50戰機,選擇印度出資,自己出技術的合作方式,排除大陸的動機不言可喻。 大陸和印度採購軍火本質差異很大。陸方具完整軍工體系,採購軍備會考量是否契合軍工系統發展,反觀印度軍工基礎薄弱,買軍武只考慮越先進越好。研發先進戰機,有能力的國家不多,即使中俄歷來交好,也不可能出賣國家利益。陸媒分析,俄羅斯和印度合作實屬坑錢,加上技術問題叢生,合作顯然把印度當提款機。 不合作不代表大陸沒有能力開發第五代戰機,還可能青出於藍,要求分享技術,就證明這個推論,不過關係再好,攸關國家利益,大陸恐怕也不可能說分享就分享。(旺報2015年10月28日 ) Why Russia chose India over China to develop T-50 stealth fighter China has had a reputation for stealing technology from Russia since the Cold War. After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, China became one of the chief buyers of Russian-built Su-27 fighters and Russia allowed the Shenyang Aircraft Corporation to open up a production line to build the fighter for both the PLA Air Force and Navy, which was known as J-11. China subsequently acquired a license from Russia to upgrade the J-11 into the more advanced J-11B. However, China became a potential challenger in the export market for military aircraft when it began to sell the aircraft to other nations. To avoid Chinese engineers back-engineering its technology and claiming it as their own, Russia has chosen China's regional competitor India to develop the T-50 fighter together. Though India does not have the technology to develop a fifth-generation fighter, it can contribute through financial support.China is working on its own stealth fighters, the J-20 and J-31.(WantChinaTime 2015-10-29)