HEBREWS were in Ancient America - SOLID Evidence

Watch the full playlist (so far to date) here: http://bit.ly/2rHSEZf The Book of Mormon really happened. The ancient North American Mound-builder civilizations correlate with the people in The Book of Mormon. They built fortified cities the way those people did. They had metal armor and swords like those people did. They have mounds filled with human bones like those people did. They have ancient Hebrew and Egyptian writings like those people did. They have some X2a DNA that traces back to the Mediterranean/Middle Eastern area where those people came from. There is plenty of evidence in North America supporting The Book of Mormon. Read The Book of Mormon and research the Mound-builder civilizations (the Hopewell and the Adena). You will find that there were once great ancient civilizations right here in the United States and Canada that you most likely had never been taught about in school. This video is Part 3 out of 11 videos that I'm making, which is still only a very brief introduction to these ancient civilizations and the people of The Book of Mormon. You have to do your own research, because your schools most likely never taught you about these civilizations. You will be amazed with what you find! Visit the FIRM Foundation website at http://www.BookofMormonEvidence.org Also visit http://www.LDSArchaeology.com Watch Wayne May and Rod Meldrum on YouTube Also, watch "Nephite Explorer" and "Hidden In the Heartland" on http://www.truenorthtv.org Study the Moundbuilders, and The Book of Mormon To get a FREE Bible and Book of Mormon, call (888) 537-2200 or visit http://www.mormon.org