[ 陈天文 ] 舞招牌歌台秀 1080p60HD 新蚱蜢乐隊 全㘯主持:刘玲玲 17/9/17 雅雅 陽光可乐 王韢潣 林亚黎 蔡雨桐 展飞 陈天文 林曉婷 尤毓姗 董仕强 鲜红 西林村中原会

无论是年轻人或年长者,大家都在看《#歌台星力量-兴,旺,发》。想知道他们为什么喜欢歌台吗? 《歌台星力量-兴,旺,发》只剩下七强,到底谁会赢这期的人气赛? 而谁会和舞台说再见? 如果您怀疑你的邻居被家暴,您应该马上打给ComCare 热线 或是到最靠近的家庭暴力专业服务中心报告。Kacang Puteh Man 和Kiam Sng Tee Auntie 也将告诉您如何察觉有人被虐待。 千万别错过每逢星期五,上午十一点半至中午十二点半, 锁定八频道。 If you think that Getai is for the seniors, you will be surprised. Find out what the youngsters like about #GetaiChallenge2018! Find out why everyone, young and old, are watching #GetaiChallenge2018. With 7 finalists remaining in this competition, who will win the popularity contest this week? Kacang Puteh Man and Kiam Sng Tee Auntie will share with you how to identify the signs of abuse in this episode. Please call ComCare hotline 1800-222-0000 or visit the nearest Family Service Centre if you suspect someone is being abused. Catch Getai Challenge 2018 every Friday, 11.30am – 12.30pm, @Channel 8.