What Chinese People REALLY Think About Foreigners

我们心中的英国是什么样子?绅(mài)士(fǔ)。而英国人心中的中国又是什么样子呢?聪(xué)明(shén)!让英国人猜一猜中国人口,说一说中国名人,结果答案五花八门,小编我也是醉了。Hello Kitty那是隔壁小岛的产物!看来在西方人眼中,全亚洲都是我国的吧(摊手)。Are all Chinese rich? Does it always rain in the UK? These are just some of the questions that Westerners and Chinese want to find out about each other. Watch our latest video to find out what Chinese think on Westerners. 订阅【OMG!笑吧】抢先看最新视频! Subscribe or check out our website for more shocking laughter! OMG! XIAOBA 笑吧 OMG!笑吧为你呈现最棒的原创视频。我们的主持人走上伦敦和北京街头,探寻爆笑的中西文化话题。 XIAOBA brings you the best original videos from the streets of Beijing and London. OMG! hosts explore the topics that both Chinese and Westerners can relate to, with a comedic twist! 官方网站 Official Website http://omgba.cn/ 新浪微博 Weibo @OMG笑吧 微信订阅号 Wechat OMG_XIAOBA B站 Bilibili http://space.bilibili.com/17316752/#!/index A站 Acfun http://www.acfun.tv/u/3759478.aspx#area=post-history 优酷 YOUKU http://tinyurl.com/omgyouku 土豆 TUDOU http://v.tudou.com/omg888/ 美拍 MEIPAI http://www.meipai.com/user/1051780474