Numbers in Chinese 1-10, 1-20 and 1-100 | Chinese Numbers 1 to 10, 1 to 20 and 1 to 100 | HSK1 ► Can you count from 1 to 6 in Chinese? If so, it would not be difficult for you to say Monday to Saturday. In this video, I'll teach you how to say Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday in Chinese. I'll also teach you how to ask what day it is today in Chinese. FROM THE VIDEO: The structure for days of the week in Chinese would possibly be far simpler than you thought. You just need to know the words for week and numbers. Now let’s start with the word: "week". It’s 星期. Both characters are flat tone, 星期, 星期. Another two sayings for "week" are周 and 礼拜, but 星期 is most commonly used among the three expressions in Mainland China. So I’ll only use 星期 for this lesson. Let’s try that again, 星期, 星期. Jump to the Following: 02:16 Monday Xīngqī yī 02:40 Tuesday Xīngqī èr 02:58 Wednesday Xīngqī sān 03:15 Thursday Xīngqī sì 03:35 Friday Xīngqī wǔ 03:49 Saturday Xīngqī liù 04:27 Sunday Xīngqī tiān 05:19 What day is it today? Jīntiān xīngqī jǐ? RELATED VIDEO: How to Count Numbers in Chinese VISIT FOR MORE CHINESE LEARNING RESOURCES LET'S CONNECT! Google+ ► Facebook ► Twitter ► TalktoChinese ►