The Existence of God - Ravi Zacharias — Let’s face it — having faith in God raises a lot of questions. No one seems to have answers anymore. Even the most basic questions facing our generation often go unanswered. But you don’t have to be left with unanswered questions when you are faced with doubt. In this message at Saddleback Church, author, speaker, and world-renowned apologist Dr. Ravi Zacharias shares strategies for answering faith questions in the twenty-first century. You’ll walk away with fresh insight on how to share the hope you have with skeptics. Don't go through life alone. We have a Saddleback Church family we'd love to connect you with, no matter where you live. For a location near you, visit or join our Online Community at (Saddleback Church) (Ravi Zacharias) (Apologetics) (Apologia) (Religious Pluralism) (Christian Values) (Christian Culture) (Truth) (Relevance) (Origin) (Meaning) (Morality) (Destiny) (Worldview) (What is your worldview) (Questioning Culture) (Up and Down) (Left and Right) (Set Apart) (Great Commandment) (Humble in heart) (Wise in response) (Gospel is beautiful) (RZIM) (Transcendent perspective) (Saddleback) (Defend your faith) (What is truth) (What is relativism) (What is absolute) (Today's Culture) (Love Others) (Love first) (Called to love) (Give people their dignity)