PRETTY MOM!!! Joy-Anna Duggar And Kendra Duggar SHOW OFF Bridesmaid Dresses And Post-Baby Body!!!

SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE... ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// DID JENELLE EVANS JUST CLAIM THAT HER SON HAS AN EATING DISORDER? . Over the years, we’ve seen some pretty major claims made by the cast members of Teen Mom… and not all of them turn out to be true. It’s not uncommon for the cast members to embellish the truth a bit, nor is it rare for them to outright lie about certain events. But could Jenelle have made up something so serious? Jenelle Evans has a pretty rocky past — and unfortunately for her, nearly all of her poor decisions have been filmed and aired by MTV. Now, she’s coming under fire yet again for a major claim that she made about her son. Jenelle is pretty much a pro at defending herself against angry fans. She’s been doing it practically since she first started on 16 and Pregnant, and as she’s started new relationships and had more children, the fanbase has become even more accusatory.