
红梅赞。 作词: 阎肃。 作曲: 羊鸣、姜春阳、金砂。 演唱: 降央卓玛。 笛子: 徐艳。 古箏: 高雅楠。 《CCTV音乐厅》 20150606 纵情歌唱•天籁之音 降央卓玛音乐专辑。 Ode to the Red Plum Blossoms in Mandarin Chinese. Sung by Jamyang Dolma. CCTV, 6 June 2015. 红梅赞 红岩上红梅开, 千里冰霜脚下踩。 三九严寒何所惧, 一片丹心向阳开,向阳开。 红梅花儿开, 朵朵放光彩, 昂首怒放花万朵, 香飘云天外。 唤醒百花齐开放, 高歌欢庆迎春来,迎春来。 Ode to the Red Plum Blossoms English Translation by windriver (夏河) (slightly edited) Up high on the crimson rock ridge is where red plum flowers grow. Rooted in the frost they overlook the thousands of frigid miles below. Severe winter scares them not, for in the sunshine their scarlet hearts glow, their scarlet hearts glow. Red plum blossoms! Such a dazzling brilliant lot. Countless blooms chin up with pride. Their delicate scent pierces Through the cloudy sky. They’ve awakened a lifeless world. Everything comes to bloom. Together we sing, celebrate, and welcome spring, welcome spring. ------- 降央卓玛: http://baike.baidu.com/view/2380676.htm http://baike.sogou.com/v10624330.htm 降央卓玛歌曲播放列表 Jamyang Dolma songs playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfH5Rfi-dNjFA9txQ3EJmTb9QsOq3dyew