費玉清 山歌姻緣(2010年)

《葬花》Bury the falling blossoms 詞:卜萬蒼 │曲:金玉古 │唱:費玉清 花謝花飛飛滿天 紅銷香斷有誰憐 Blossoms are falling, flying in the air every where. Her beauty fades away, her life ends, would anyone sorrow for her? 愁緒滿懷無著處 手把花鋤出繡簾 Have this heart filled with melancholy, no one is close for me to lean on. Take the tiny hoe for the flowers, I stepped out through my bedroom door. 花開易見落難尋 階前愁煞葬花人 It is easy to see the blooming flowers, yet is hard to spot them after they fall. I am trying to bury them, this worries me so very much, standing right at the porch steps. 獨把花鋤偷灑淚 灑上空枝見血痕 I'm alone here working with the flower hoe, my tears started falling without being seen. Tears fall onto the bare twigs, they turn into something as if they were the blood stains. 隨花飛到天盡頭 天盡頭何處有香坵 *Follow the flowers, floating with the wind to the end of the skyline. At the end of skyline, where could be her resting place? 未若錦囊收豔骨 一 坯淨土掩風流 Not like the brocade sack was only for collecting her beauty remains, but a mound of pure dirt is to cover up her love affairs. 儂今葬花人笑癡 他日葬儂知是誰 Today I am burying the falling blossoms, others might laugh at my dementia. Someday to bury me, I wonder who would that be? 一朝春盡紅顏老 花落人亡兩不知 Oneday when the youth is over, pretty face becomes old, flower falls and one dies, both will never be aware of it any more. (Refrain*) 兩不知! Not any more! ...............................