豬豬俠之百變聯盟S9E40_GG Bond Season 9_Shapeshifting Union_Episode40

迷糊博士研发的宇宙资源交换器已进入测试阶段,正当数据运算时遇上了全城大停电,整个童话星球的电子设备都莫名其妙地停止了运作。猪猪侠他们奉命执行艰难的人工珠算,这下让猪猪侠苦不堪言。超人强经过缜密的调查,发现停电的幕后黑手竟然是一个机械算盘,而算盘的主人,正是开在郊外的原始生活店的老板——卡卡先生。 The cosmic resource exchanger developed by Dr. Mihoo comes to the testing phase. The electricity of the whole city is cut off during the data operation. All the electronic devices of the planet stop working. GG Bond and his partners feel so upset because they have to do the calculation with abacuses. Through careful research, Super Q finds the electricity is cut off by a mechanical abacus. The owner of this abacus is Mr. Kaka who runs a primitive life store in the suburbs.