Kızıl Ordu Korosu : "Polyuşka Pole - Полюшко Поле" (Türkçe Altyazılı) The greatest deception of all times Facts: 1. The Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) is not Germany. The Federal Republic of Germany leads till today the Nazi colony and the „III. Third Reich“of Adolf Hitler with the agreement of the “state”. 2. The Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) lost its legitimacy under international law because of the statelessness of the Germans and illegal privatization of the State. All national and international contracts are now broken and therefore invalid. (Reprimand international company register 3. World War II. continues till today. The restore of the world-peace necessary peace treaties with more than 54 nations are to this day denied by the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG). 4. The Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) is now the financial, political and economic engine of Fascism and Nazism in Europe and the world. 5. A sovereign Germany is impossible without Russia, because Russia * SHAEF - SMAD is responsible for the liberation of Germany from the FRG Nazi-colony. (Liberation article 139 „Basic Law“ or „GG Grundgesetz“ for the Nazi colony *Federal Republic of Germany (FRG)* continued validity of *SHAEF and SMAD) Everlasting german russian and amerika brother alliance = home and world peace - the future for all nations Websites: Ursache & die gesetzl. Generallösung zur Befreiung Deutschlands aus der BRD Nazi Kolonie: Studieren sie dazu aufmerksam und ausführlich die juristisch wissenschaftliche Webseite - mindestens die Startseite – insbesondere auch das Heimat - & Friedensprogramm – und alle Ihre Fragen gehören der Vergangenheit an. Offenkundige Tatsachen bedürfen keines weiteren Beweises mehr! Indiskutable Ursache & gesetzliche Generallösung: Heimatliche Grüße Rüdiger Hoffmann - Kommission146 Deutschland Verein: e. V. E – Mail: Mobil: +49 162 9027725 +49 38852 58951