Idol Master - TWICE [KBS World Idol Show K-RUSH3 / ENG,CHN / 2018.04.27]

[PART 1] 志效.定延以前醜照 / Jihyo Jeongyeon previous ugly picture : [PART 3] 志效在家被霸凌!? / Jihyo was bullied at home !? : [ 1:14 傳送門] 2:05 志效叫妹妹幫忙做家事 / Jihyo ask her sister to help with family chores : 如果喜歡的話就幫我按個讚和訂閱 If you like, just press me like and subscribe 我會把TWICE的一些可愛有趣的VLIVE影片剪成精華 I will cut out some of TWICE's cute and interesting VLIVE videos 每周最少會出一支影片 心情好的話就會多出幾支XDD There will be at least one video per week. If I'm in a good mood, I will have more XDD XXXXXXXXXXXXX 請勿二次轉載 XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXX Do not reprint XXXXXXXXXXXXXX