VICTOR DAVIS HANSON on how best to explain, to an Obama loyalist, why Obama is in serious legal jeopardy. #ObamaGate, among other things, includes the FISA-gate scandal, a widespread criminal behavior that was predicated on two premises: 🛑 The thinking that an easy Clinton victory was a certainty, after which the miscreants would be not only excused but probably rewarded for their zeal; 🛑 Progressive hubris in which the "moral betters" felt it their right, indeed their duty, to use unethical and even unlawful means for the “greater good” — to achieve their self-described moral ends of stopping the "crude and reactionary Trump". Obama and his administration's wrongdoings include attempts to: 🛑 Warp a U.S. election; 🛑 Collude with Russia; 🛑 Repeatedly mislead and lie before the FISA courts; 🛑 Improperly surveil American citizens; 🛑 Unmask the names of citizens swept up in unlawful surveillance; 🛑 illegally leak the names of Trump campaign names to the press; 🛑 Disseminate and authenticate opposition smears during a political campaign; 🛑 Lie under oath to Congress; 🛑 Obstruct ongoing investigations; 🛑 Using federal funds to purchase ad hominem gossip against a presidential candidate; 🛑 Engage in blatant conflicts of interests; 🛑 Weaponize federal investigations; 🛑 Traffic in and leak classified information . . . The list goes on and on. Source: Whiskey Politics by Dave Sussman (w/ Victor Davis Hanson)