Meditation Instruction -How to meditate. Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche. Shambhala

Chögyam Trungpa gives a general orientation to meditation in the Buddhist tradition and gives meditation instruction. This is essentially the same basic instruction that he gave throughout the time he was in the United States. It is also virtually identical with the meditation instruction that was the basis of Shambhala Training and is still used extensively, along with other approaches. This approach is meditation as a way of life rather than purely as a practice. We can't reject ourselves before we know what we are. Meditation allows us to realize and understand ourselves, without either chickening out—rejecting ourselves—or congratulating ourselves. This requires a sort of heroism. This approach to meditation is based on bhavana, a Sanskrit term that means exertion or discipline. Unless you are willing to discipline yourself through practice, you are in a hopeless situation. Through practice, you see the colours of your own existence in a very down to earth way. Chögyam Trungpa speaks about how he has personally gained wisdom and clarity from practicing meditation in this way. June 12, 1974 These recordings are from the Shambhala Archives Video Recovery Project. © 2009 by Diana J. Mukpo. Used here by arrangement with Lady Diana and the Shambhala archives. All rights reserved. This talk is part of a set of six videos from DVD Meditation: The Way of the Buddha, available from Shambhala Media at This newly re-mastered video recording of five talks given at the inaugural session of Naropa University (summer 1974), we join Vidyadhara Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche and an audience of new students as he teaches the technique, view and practice of meditation from mindfulness practice to awareness practice to the realization of emptiness. Topics include Talk 1. Meditation Instruction (32:05 mins) Talk 2. Shamatha or Abiding in Peace (1:11:53) Talk 3. State of Mind (1:12:44) Talk 4. Vipashyana or Insight Meditation (1:10:10) Talk 5. The Dawn of Enlightenment (56:43 mins) The set also includes an additional talk given in 1973 at the start of a full day of sitting, offering further encouragement to practitioners. The set is accompanied by summaries of the talks, Audience Question and Answers, and Suggested Readings and a study guide. Perfect for group study or Shambhala Centre classes All these talks are all also available for viewing online at the Chögyam Trungpa Chronicles Project at with the summaries, study guide, Q & A, etc. Biography of The Vidyadhara, Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche Facebook . Learn More About Meditation at You can find out more about our Meditation Programs available at your local Shambhala Meditation Centre: List of over 200 Shambhala Centers and Groups Worldwide . Meditation programs and Shambhala events worldwide The Chronicles of Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche Also on Facebook at TrungpaChronicles's Channel Shambhala Media at Toll Free 1-888-450-1002 Ph: 902-421-1550 x1 Also includes: Shambhala Archives at Shambhala Times, community news magazine at Shambhala Publications books of Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche at Biography at Shambhala International 1084 Tower Road Halifax, Nova Scotia B3H 2Y5, Canada Email: phone (902) 425-4275 fax (902) 423-2750 Shambhala is a global community. There are more than 200 centers and groups around the world, as well as thousands of individual members. Shambhala Europe at Kartäuserwall 20 50678 Köln Germany Telephone: +49 (0) 221 310 24 00 Fax: +49 (0) 221-310 2450