寶石經 Ratana Sutta (巴利文唱誦) - 黃慧音 (Imee Ooi)

Website: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Buddhism/253631344296?ref=ts Ten Short Mantras Vol. 4 无量寿决定光明王陀罗尼 Amitayus is the Buddha of long life, merit and wisdom. By engaging in Amitayus practice we can develop these qualities, which are essential for our spiritual development, and eventually attain the deathless state of enlightenment. "Human beings have always aspired to endless life and experiencing permanent good fortune. The focus of these three mantras then is on praying for eternal life, repenting evil Karmic deeds and elimination all illness. These mantras reflect the mutual bonding of sentient beings and Bodhisattvas and so through Imme Ooi's luminously breathtaking voice, we wish to deliver hope, connecting to the inner soul of all beings." http://www.facebook.com/pages/Buddhism/253631344296?ref=ts