Biggest Mistakes You Are Making With Shoutouts (Instagram Influencers)

👉**** S H O P I F Y 1 4 D A Y F R E E T R I A L ****👈 (affiliate) C L I C K T O S U B S C R I B E: P R I N T F U L S I G N U P: I N S T A G R M: @dualex2x S N A P C H A T: sharrieffman S O N G C R E D I T: STIR IT BY CROOSH This is the only real way to grow on Instagram in 2018, or in any year for that matter. This method will last forever because it's the same thing that always works. When you build relationships with people and provide value to them the same way that you want them to provide value to you. Follow this method and you will definitely see a positive change in your Instagram follower and engagement count in 2018. Text version of this video is below: First off, we’ve all seen those videos on youtube with a girl sitting on her bead with a puppy poster in the background saying “Make good content” “Have a nice feed” “Use hashtags” (annoying girl voice/maybe a skit). THIS IS NOT THAT VIDEO. I’m about to tell you a legitimate tactic that you can start using right now to gain real and legitimate followers. But first, here’s what you SHOULDN’T do! By the way, if you guys don’t know who I am, I’m an internet marketer who had some success with dropshipping and now I’m creating my own brand and I’m showing you guys what I’ve learned with this Youtube channel. I’ve gotten 3 pages into the 25k+ range and sold them to other influencers and I’ve tried everything. What NOT to do: Now we’re getting into the stuff that those girls on their beds don’t tell you about: In the past, you’ve been able to do this through a few different methods: Instagram bots, engagement groups, Follow/Unfollow, Spam likes, Spam comments, and hashtags. The new IG algorithm is making that pretty much impossible to do now. IG wants real people with real pages, but almost none of them are real Steps: These steps are actually made by a great social media marketer by the name of gary vainerchuck (garyvee) but I just found out about his method recently, but I was using this method forever. I use this method on my youtube in a similar way. I’m going to show you the way that I use this method. Think of relative hashtags (don’t USE these hashtags) - With the new algorithm, you can’t use that many tags anymore anyway, and in my experience, they don’t really help you they just attract spammers to your page. (show spam example) Go through those hashtags on instagram and look at the top posts. And comment something valuable and relevant to their post but only if you’re actually interested in it!! You’re not out there just to get pure numbers. You want real engaging 100 followers rather than 1000 ghost followers, so if you can engage back with them that’s perfect. You want to build an actual community of friends - that’s the most valuable kind of audience Repeat this process every day and do it with as many hashtags as you can every day. Basically what’s going to happen is that you’ll eventually create a legit community of people that are going to be engaging with your content every time you post just like I’ve created on this youtube channel. But obviously, you need legit content. No one will follow if you have fake content.