謝安琪 Kay Tse《雞蛋與羔羊》Official MV (HD)

"Masquerade" official channel: http://www.youtube.com/masqueradentv Contact us to entry the contest: http://www.ntv.co.jp/kasoh/syutsujo/index.html "Masquerade" is one of the most popular TV shows produced by NTV Japan. People from all walks of life participate in the contest to present their unique performances. In addition to preparing their own costumes and props, contestants exert themselves physically and creatively to bring forth their best possible performance. We hope you enjoy their brilliant works. 日本的人氣電視節目《超級變變變(日本原創名稱:全人本仮裝大賞)(香港名稱:全日本扮野大賽)》是 參賽選手披露集創意、幽默的益智電視大賽。選手隊伍們不僅自己準備服裝和道具等, 開動腦筋以及巧妙組合表演出輕鬆活潑,妙趣橫生,使人耳目一新。 敬請觀賞以趣味性、知識性、可視性風靡全日本的大型益智綜藝電視節目。