Steve Devlin's £500,000 & £1 Million Questions

In January 2001, Steve Devlin became the 4th £500,000 winner. He had a strong sense on the £1 Million answer, but walked away with £500,000 BBC News, January 19th 2001: "A man on the verge of winning £1m in Saturday's Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? backed out of a previous edition of the ITV show in a panic. Steve Devlin, 53, from Belfast originally won a place on the top-rated show 18 months ago. But he was too nervous to enter the initial "fast finger" round - in which 10 contestants compete for the chance to play the quiz - despite attempts to persuade him otherwise. A spokeswoman for the show, which his hosted by Chris Tarrant, said: "He is quite a calm guy who just turned round and said, 'I cannot do this, I simply cannot do this.' I felt like I had been struck by lightning when I heard I had a second opportunity to sit in the chair Steve Devlin "He just decided he could not go for the fast finger round and he had to go home." But in Thursday's edition of the show Mr Devlin cooly made his way to the verge of winning the top £1m prize, displaying none of his previous panic. Mr Devlin's courage came in the form of a friend. The ITV spokeswoman said: "This time Steve came with Joe Cauley who is his friend and neighbour. "Joe is a really calming influence on him - they make a great team." It paid off, and now Mr Devlin goes forward with a chance to win £1m on Saturday's show."