Crime Alert Episode 75 "Rakshak Bana Rakshas"

Subscribe to Crime Alert Channel : Watch More Crime Alert Episodes : Share this Episode : About Episode : ------------------------- Today’s story about Nirmala who lives in Rajasthan with her father and younger sister. Nirmala’s father searching a perfect groom for her and he ties knot of her daughter with a govt officer Surinder. After getting married, Nirmala faces physical and mental torture from Surindar and in-laws for dowry. One day Nirmala’s in-law captures her personal moment to disrepute her. With using the fake pictures they proven that Nirmala is characterless. Now what will Nirmala do?? Will she tell her father or sister about this?? Will she call the police?? Or she will commit suicide?? To find out, watch the full episode. About Channel : ------------------------- Crime Alert is an Indian crime television series aired by Dangal TV Channel owned by Enterr10 TV Pvt. Ltd. The series is based on real crime story which covers crime incidents across all over India. It shows the story of victims struggle and the order to get justice for their sufferings. The motive of the show is, aware public to the crime and encourage to stop the crime. The show is being successfully broadcast since more than a years on the Dangal Channel.