Ukraine War - Seperatists In Heavy Clashes And Intense Fighting In Lugansk

Keep us alive by supporting us with a small one-time or monthly donation: Ukraine Conflict 2014 | Combat Footage | Ukraine Crisis - Seperatists In Heavy Clashes And Intense Fighting In Lugansk. Pro Russian Seperatists In Heavy Clashes Fighting And Firefights In Lugansk Ukraine. Intense Combat Footage From Ukraine With Firefights And Airstrikes. Ukrainian forces have fought off an attempt by rebel fighters to seize control of a border guards' base in the Lugansk region, in a fierce battle on Monday morning. As many as 100 pro-Russian fighters assaulted the border guard headquarters in Mirny, a residential suburb of Lugansk, at 4am on Monday, Ukraine's border guard service said in a statement. The statement said the border guards fought off at least three waves of rebel attacks that made use of rocket-propelled grenades, mortars and snipers over the next few hours. Attacking forces had swelled by 7am to as many as 400, the statement claimed. Neither side has announced casualty figures, though the border guards service statement said some of its men had been wounded. The fighting comes exactly a week after Ukrainian and pro-Russian forces fought a bloody battle for Donetsk airport, marking a major escalation in the conflict in eastern Ukraine. Subscribe to Warleaks for more heavy clashes fighting and firefight war combat footage.