
https://www.youtube.com/user/umiwichina【优米网umiwi】官方频道 更多精彩视频 杜子建曾经横行乡里,曾经伤人坐牢,曾经抗拒改造,曾经经商失败,曾要轻生自杀。从囚犯成为作家。他的曲折道路,对当今的许多人有着普遍的启示意义;他的成功至少说明:一个人,在生活中遇到再大的挫折,也不必悲观,不必自暴自弃,只要自强不息,终会实现自己的生命价值。 因此,杜子建也被誉为"微博营销教父"的称号。另外,杜子建也是《非你莫属》节目嘉宾,在微博上可谓"屌师"的一面,但是在节目中又是"温尔而雅",性格具有双面性! 火灾过去一年后,杜子健父母相继病倒,家境也远不如昔,杜子建不得不辍学回家,和姐姐一起维持一家六口的生计。强烈的自尊使他渴望别人感觉到自己的存在,他读《三国演义》、《红楼梦》想用文化来提升自己,可现实生活又使他感到虚幻,他想用酒精来麻醉自己,然而却是举杯消愁愁更愁,压抑总要宣泄,他想用暴力来征服这个世界。他常随身携带两把尖刀,像仗义的游侠——堂吉诃德,到处打抱不平。秋收了,粮站里不收农民的余粮,豪爽的杜子建看着辛苦了一年的农民,为了卖粮不得不阵阵哀求"公家人",气就不打一处来,上前就将"公家人"一顿"修理";看到街头的"江湖人",用甜言蜜语将乡民的血汗钱骗进腰包,他就上去给人一顿痛殴;看到乡村干部的子女仗势欺人,他就给人一顿暴打。用杜子建自己的话说,当时是打遍茅坦无敌手。走在人生十字路口的杜子建就这样整天在酗酒、斗殴中消沉,而自己却常常有着英雄般的感觉。【文化丝绸之路】Du Zijian has run rampant, once hurt in jail, who resist reform, once failed in business, had to commit suicide Dutch act. From the prisoners became a writer. His tortuous road, have widespread implications for many people today; his success at least: a man, a big setback in life, also need not pessimistic, do not have to give up, as long as the unremitting self-improvement, will realize own value of life. Therefore, Du Zijian is also known as the " godfather of micro-blog marketing ". In addition, Du Zijian is also a " you " talk show guests, in micro-blog is " a good teacher", but in the program is " Wen ER and elegant ", the character has two sides! In the past one year after the fire, Du Zijian's parents have been ill, the family is also far less than the past, Du Zijian had to drop out of school to go home, and sister together to support a family of six living. Strong self-esteem so that he longed for someone to feel his presence, he read " the romance of the Three Kingdoms ", " a dream of Red Mansions " want to use culture to enhance their own, can be the real life and make him feel unreal, he want to use alcohol anaesthetizing self, but drinking more unhappy, depressed to vent, he wanted to using violence to conquer the world. He often carrying two knives, like huge Ranger -- Quixote, everywhere defends against injustice. Autumn harvest, Liang Zhan, don't accept farmer surplus grain, look at the bold Du Zijian hard year farmers, in order to sell grain to bursts of begging " public family ", gas is not a place to go up, " the family " meal " repair "; see street "quack ", in speak sugared words will the hard-earned money into the pockets, he went up to a meal beaten; see the village cadres' children bullying, he was beaten to the people. In Du Zijian's own words, was playing Mao Tan invincible hand. Walk in the crossroads of life of Du Zijian that day in alcoholism, fight depression, while they often have a hero.