Why china can't conquer taiwan in a war

Today, Sino-Vietnamese relations are again hitting a low point with escalation of tension due to South China Sea dispute. In this video, we will look into 5 weapons that Vietnam can use to block any aggression from China. INTRODUCTION: In 1975, the armed forces of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (Vietnam People’s Army) defeated the Republic of Vietnam, capturing Saigon and putting to end nearly thirty years of civil war. The victory came 3 years after the United States, unwilling to pay the price of continued engagement, left the war. In 1979, the People’s Republic of China invaded Vietnam in an effort to punish Hanoi for its actions in Cambodia, and for its association with the Soviet Union. The war lasted a month, with Chinese forces leaving after heavy losses and without achieving any strategic objectives. In short, the Vietnam People’s Army has a history of success. Today, Sino-Vietnamese relations are again hitting a low point with escalation of tension due to South China Sea dispute. In this video, we will look into 5 weapons that Vietnam can use to block any aggression from China. SUKHOI FLANKER SERIES: Vietnam has 11 Sukhoi Su-27, and 35 Sukhoi Su-30MK2. In addition to defensive air-to-air missions, these aircraft can strike Chinese land and sea targets with long-range, precision missiles & bombs. The Flankers are heavy, fast, and deadly and will be in the frontline of Vietnam’s defense. V.P.A.F will be able to use its sophisticated Flankers to good defensive advantage against overstretched Chinese forces. If operated with correct tactics these aircraft will be able to prevent China from gaining air dominance over Vietnam. GEPARD 3.9 CLASS FRIGATES Vietnam operates 3 Gepard class frigates, and 1 more is on way. Gepard class frigates received from Russia are designed to engage surface ships, submarines and air targets, both independently and as part of a task force. It can also perform escort and patrol tasks. Gepard class ships will be especially useful in preventing Chinese naval blockade. KILO CLASS SUBMARINES Vietnam has acquired 5 improved Kilo class submarines ,& 1 is on order. The submarines are part of a deal Vietnam reached with Russia’s Admiralty Shipyards for 6 Kilo-class diesel-electric submarines for $2 billion back in 2009. Under the agreement, signed during Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung’s visit to Moscow that year, Russia agreed to provide the submarines, train Vietnamese crews, and supply necessary spare parts. S-300 SAM The P L A A F hasn’t flown against an integrated, sophisticated air defense system. Using the air force against Vietnam will require the Chinese to suppress or avoid Vietnamese air defenses. Suppression of air defenses, are among the most organizationally and individually demanding missions than an air force can undertake. The most advanced system in the Vietnam's air defense network is the S-300. It can track and engage dozens of targets at ranges of up to seventy-five miles. Additional point-defense systems can protect the S-300 themselves from attack. Used in conjunction with the fighters of the Vietnam’s air force, the SAM network would make it very difficult to carry out a concerted air campaign against Vietnam . CRUISE MISSILES: P-800 ONYX & UPCOMING BRAHMOS Today, Vietnam can launch cruise missiles from aircraft, surface ships, submarines, and shore based platforms. This is the most important part of Vietnam’s ANTI-ACCESS AND AREA DENIAL strategy. In combination, these missiles could attack Chinese ships from multiple, unexpected vectors in order to overwhelm the shipboard air defense systems. Vietnam already operates the P-800 Onyx surface-to-surface cruise missile, intended for coastal defense. It is a Mach 2.5 missile with a 290 km range and a 250kg warhead, the Onyx can give any Chinese warship a very bad day. Vietnam had been eyeing Brahmos missile for over five years now but the UPA government had been reluctant to give the nod fearing Chinese objections. China objected to the sell as being destabilizing. Prime Minister Modi and his team of advisers have essentially turned that thinking on its head, concluding that stronger defense relationships with the U.S., Japan, and Vietnam actually put India on stronger footing in its dealings with China. To take on China's increasing aggressive behavior in Asia, the Modi government has cleared sale of BrahMos supersonic cruise missile to Vietnam. In June this year, India was granted membership to the Missile Technology Control Regime. The MTCR membership further strengthens India’s legitimacy for the sale of missile technology to other countries. While the current BrahMos launch vehicles are surface and aircraft based, India is testing a submarine-launch version that could conceivably be used in Vietnam's Kilo-class submarines.