Last Day of Summer

This is our family vlog for the forth week in April. This vlog includes what we did the day before Easter. On the day before Easter we went to the community Easter Egg hunt! It was so so cold! The kids at first said they just wanted to go home and forget about the hunt all together. But, they changed their mind and hunted with the rest of the kids, Jonah even climbed a tree to get a cool orange egg. We also dyed Easter eggs that day. Noah dropped every single one of his eggs and cracked them, claiming he lost his balance or that his grandma "disturbed" him. LOL! The egg dye was really stinky, We also decorated the house for Easter, that was fun! Then on Easter we went to church and then to brunch with the family and then the kids had a hunt in the yard. Mommy doesn't make it easy! I hide them really really hard! I also make a map because with hiding 41 eggs it's pretty impossible to remember where I hid each and every one of them. The kids then hid the "chicky" eggs for each other. Mommy hid a few up high and the kids do a human pyramid to get to it! Then we celebrated Noah's birthday with cake! We also celebrated Easter by getting a cake that said "Congratulations Jesus!" on it, just like Emma had suggested last week on GodRox channel! Go here to see that whole video: Don't forget to subscribe to Godrox, they are a great family! The ducks came to visit us and then we went to a fancy Mexican Restaurant where Noah got to wear a sombrero and they all sang Happy Birthday to him! We had a great week and hope you enjoyed this vlog don't forget to tune in next week! Music Information: All songs by Josh Woodward listed in order of usage: Learn to Fly Wake Up Midnight Sun Troublemaker Learn to Fly