东方红 The East is Red 1964

About Wang Er Ni: Wang Er Ni is a Northern Shaanxi folk singer who rose to fame after she appeared in CCTV's talent search programme, Avenue of Stars in 2007. Wang was well-loved by the audiences because of her down-to-earth personality and heartfelt renditions of Northern Shaanxi folk songs. She is now a household name in China and is currently signed on to Beijing Dance Drama & Opera as a solo vocalist and has released two studio albums, Northern Shaanxi Folk Songs and Love in Northern Shaanxi 王二妮简介 来自陕北的原生态民歌手王二妮,拥有一副不加雕琢的天籁嗓音,以及陕北人醇厚古朴的风情。2007年她参加中国中央电视台"星光大道"一举成名,虽然无缘"星"奖项,却因独特的嗓音和丰富情感的演绎,受邀成为"星"春节特别节目表演嘉宾,并获选为该台录制个人专场音乐会。王二妮目前是北京歌剧舞剧院的独唱演员。