10 Most Heavily Guarded Places On Earth | Interesting Facts

Mysterious and secretive fallout bunkers have been built by the US government, check out these 6 Unbelievable Secret Underground Shelters World Unearthed - MOST Massive Operations HIDDEN In Plain Sight: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/nzj9Rs4j6DE/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEXCPYBEIoBSFryq4qpAwkIARUAAIhCGAE=&rs=AOn4CLAPAz2iJ142hvEcFl202jEfZaFZ3w 6 Raven Rock Mountain Complex Near Blue Ridge Summit in Pennsylvania is Raven Rock mountain, is a Military nuclear bunker referred to as the “Underground Pentagon”. Containing emergency operations for all the military branches this is one of few of the 3 known bunkers built to keep our government going in case of nuclear attack. The Pentagon relocation center was built while Harry S Truman was in office in 1950 and required about a half million cubic feet of granite to be blown out of the mountain and hauled away. The buildings has an appearance of an ordinary office buildings but it is set inside deep within the mountain. The complex is so large it has roads and parking areas big enough to accommodate trucks and buses. For 30 days the facility can operate in what is called the “buttoned up” position, meaning it is totally closed off from the rest of the world. This doesn’t sound like long, but this is for around 3 thousand people. The facility has two power plants and several of its own underground water reservoirs. Since the Obama administration, the site has been open for public tours, but it leaves me curious of what parts of the facility are unseen to the regular citizen. 5 Presidential Emergency Operations Center Located underground, beneath the East wing of the white house, this bunker structure is shrouded in mystery. First of all the Presidential Emergency Operations Center or PEOC is not to be confused with the situation room, as that is in the West wing of the white house, there is a briefing room within the PEOC, which is why it is often confused with the situation room, but there is certainly more to this bunker than just a long table and some chairs. The PEOC is meant to act as a communications center as well as shelter in the case of an emergency, what the actual protocol in cases of emergencies is unknown, meaning, the public does not know how many people can survive and for how long within the PEOC. The only part of the structure actually shown to the public is the briefing room, meanwhile this bunker is meant to house at least 13 people, plus secret service agents and military personnel, so how big it is is only known by a few. It is also guarded round the clock by military personnel, ready to step to action. Built for Franklin Roosevelt during the second world war, the bunker is believed to be able to withstand a nuclear blast, so regardless of all the mystery with it, we know it has some serious construction. The president, vice president and others are brought to the PEOC executive briefing room whenever there is any breach of white house security, including airspace, or during major attacks on US soil, several well known photos are floating around of George W. Bush in the briefing room during the september 11 attacks in NYC. 4 Project Greek Island (Greenbrier) 3 Mount Weather Emergency Operations Center 2 Cheyenne Mountain Complex 1 Olney Federal Support Center https://www.flickr.com/photos/oatsy40/30359783840