Qigong for neck and shoulder tension, arthritis, and strength with Jeff Chand

.Starring: Tiancai,Zhu Chen-Style Old Frame Routine One is created by Chen Changxing, the 14th ancestral master of chen clan in Chenjiagou. Based on the Taijiquan Routine V, Cannon Fist Routine I, 108 Stance Long Fist Routine I adopted by Chen Wangyan, he condensed them into popular Old Frame Routine I, Routine II. Routine I Fist is mostly soft and little vigorous, its stances graceful, steps flexible and stable, body erect and natural. Its inner energy dominates the whole body, majoring in Ward off, Deflect, Squeeze and Press, accompanied by Pull downward, Bend backward, Elbow Stroke, and Shoulder Stroke. It moves like running water continuously, and sends off energy loosely and vividly. Demands: the body leading the hands, the waist as axis, twisting and turning round, clearly visible and invisible, the thread-twisting energy as core, arc-form walking, spiraling inner energy.