《寻宝》 20130302 走进东阳(下)[高清版]

更多精彩内容请订阅关注:http://www.youtube.com/user/treasurehuntpremium!集天下之美,汇收藏精华,集美是厦门沿海的一个区,仅听集美之名,便知它的景致美丽。1918年,爱国华侨陈嘉庚创办集美师范学校。九十多年过去,浓郁的文化氛围成为集美独具之美。最终清乾隆白玉双耳三足炉成为最具文化价值藏品。Set the world of the United States, the Department of favorites essence, a coastal Xiamen Jimei District, Jimei only hear the name, glance its beautiful scenery. In 1918, founder of patriotic overseas Chinese Tan Kah Kee Jimei Normal School. Ninety years past, a rich cultural atmosphere became Jimei unique beauty. Final Qianlong white ears Tripod Censer become the most cultural values ​​collection.