Meringue Omelette Making Machine ~ レッツ!オムレッツ クッキングトイ

Food sample making kit series 'Sample'n Cooking'. This time, I tried spaghetti Napolitana. Spaghetti Napolitana is ketchup-flavoured spaghetti with bacon, onion, mushroom, green pepper and so on. The ingredients are made of wax, the sauce is made of gelatin. I don't know the reason why the spaghetti is called 'Napolitana' but it's one of popular spaghetti menu in Japan. This isn't edible, fake food(can not eat). These food samples uses for menu sample by the most of restaurants in Japan. Food samples can carry more detailed information about the menu than simple text menu or photo menu. It's one of Japanese culture. I want to get and show you the tequniqus of making food samples. 元祖食品サンプル屋の自分で作るサンプルキット「さんぷるん」。スパゲッティ・ナポリタンを作ってみました Edible Rainbow Grains Jelly ~ レインボー粒ゼリー This channel is made by decocookie and 30oyaji. decocookie 30oyaji