Devastating Joplin, Missouri EF-5 Tornado - May 22, 2011 and Aftermath

On May 22, 2011 an EF-5 Monster Tornado over a mile wide leveled portions of the Southwest side of Joplin, Missouri. Jeff and Kathryn Piotrowski knew that the atmosphere that day was going to be extremely volatile and Jeff mentioned many times in his forecast about storms near Joplin. No truer words were spoken as the day unfolded and a tornadic storm developed near Galena, Kansas which traveled on to Joplin and dropped a horrific wedge tornado. Jeff and Kathryn traveled through the city of Joplin not hearing sirens, Jeff yells at a policeman on Hwy 66 or 7th "To get the sirens going" and it wasn't soon enough. Already the tornado had grown in size massively and was intensifying...Jeff and Kathryn filmed it down 20th St. and afterwards turned on the first street they came to which was Iowa Ava. Jeff and Kathryn had filmed this EF-5 within blocks of from 20th. Iowa Ave. was devastated with many fatalities and some survivors. Jeff gives frantic calls to 911 then relays to The Weather Channel that a horrible EF-5 is ripping the south side of Joplin apart. The two of them immediately go into search and rescue mode and did what they could to help, comfort and console. God Bless Joplin.