President's Contract Lover Chapter 1-Forced To Be Like The Moon

Donation Paypal : to support Manga SY channel. Thanks you. Please Subscribe, Please Like, Please Comment Summary President's Contract Lover An orphan girl with a hard life, why would she be favoured by the president? What is the unknown past of the president of the cold side? ... * May contains mature image which may not suitable for below age 18. Hi! I am a manhua lover. As I loved manhua so much, I would like to used my free time to translated this manhua to English so others manhua lover like me can enjoy its as well. I'll translated the manhua to English translation as soon as possible. Manga SY do not own any original images or music background in the videos created by Manga SY but all videos created by Manga SY with english translation in the videos are Manga SY own hard work and therefore are copyright©. Please do not copy Manga SY english translation and created your own video and uploading in your Youtube channel. Please do not re-uploading Manga SY video to any Youtube channel. Please do not re-edit or re-modified any Manga SY video and uploading in your Youtube channel. By doing so, your channel will be strikes an infringement of the video copyright and will result in the removal of the video from your channel under copyright claim. * The videos in Manga SY channel is entirely made by Manga SY alone from editing, translating to english and creating the video. if you are the owner of the images or music background and wanted to remove the video, please email to or leave a comment at Manga SY channel and Manga SY will delete the video as soon as possible. I’m sorry for the inconvenience cause.