Inquiry. The Great British Housing Disaster (Adam Curtis, 1984)

Footage courtesy of Martyn Graham. The fourth in John Pitman's series of six films looking at places which have become part of the British way of life. First broadcast on BBC2 at 9.25pm on Tuesday 5th April 1983. The Radio Times writes: Today, like every other day, 180,000 people pass through Waterloo, Europe's busiest station. For those who use it, there are joyful reunions and sad farewells. For those who work here, there are the usual headaches. A man tries to find his lost umbrella among the 1,000 others waiting to be claimed; a lady complains about the lavatories; in telephone enquiries, they are trying to explain that they don't know about flights from Gatwick. As the day wears on, there's a spot of trouble in the bar, while outside, people gather under the clock. Waiting, searching...and hoping. Taken from a repeat on Saturday 25th January 1992, announced by Roger Maude.