아기 원숭이 Baby Monkey

First, I would like to thank you those who expressed your interest in the baby monkey video. I know many of you want to know how the baby monkey is doing. To be honest, I do not know exactly what happened. I actually asked one of the zookeepers how the baby monkey is and the zookeeper said that he was being treated for the injury caused by other monkeys. After a few days when I asked again another zoonkeeper said the baby monkey died because he was ill and so weak not because of the attack by other monkeys. However, I wanted to double check and asked the zoo again. Now I am waiting for their reply - hopefully a good news. As soon as I hear from them I will let you know. The uploaded videos are most dramatic ones amongst the films I shot. I am now trying to rearrange them in time sequence, as they happen with date. It will help you to understand the relation between the mother monkey and the baby and the mother monkey's strange behaviours. Apologies for not answering all your comment. If I hear about the monkeys, I will upload here.