10 Facts Everyone Always Gets Wrong About Star Wars

Rogue One is still a week away? You lied to me last week?!? Well, here's all the good stuff in Revenge of the Sith, which is a lot. Because it's actually a good movie. The critics were wrong. Here's everything right with Star Wars Ep 3 Revenge of The Sith plus a theory about what actually happens to Padme. Support me on Patreon if you'd like: https://www.patreon.com/CinemaWins Sub: http://goo.gl/T3Joat Tweet: http://goo.gl/cdLfrb Bookface: http://goo.gl/sqBQJy Check out my other videos: EGA Star Wars II- Attack of The Clone: http://y2u.be/44H0MVjBDtM EGA Star Wars I -The Phantom Menace: http://y2u.be/QppINK042N8 EGA Star Wars VII - The Force Awakens: http://y2u.be/Yrzjbb5aSQM EGA X-Men Days of Future Past: http://y2u.be/p5AqT-V91BU EGA X-Men First Class: http://y2u.be/wgUjOjuYJSc EGA Warcraft: http://y2u.be/mcLIKwXiUm0 EGA Deadpool: http://y2u.be/DHWEmj_NS1Y EGA Batman v Superman: http://y2u.be/Y5S7rjUbC14 EGA Captain America: Civil War: http://y2u.be/GvYY4TLaF5g EGA Tron: Legacy: http://y2u.be/HSVp2VMVNd8 EGA I, Robot: http://y2u.be/wBNdNsEAPh8 EGA Zootopia: http://y2u.be/3_6BfT2dV2w EGA The Avengers: http://y2u.be/CWVaNzGpQI8 EGA Pacific Rim: http://y2u.be/e0Re3XO5bNk EGA Lego Movie: http://y2u.be/2OAvXJraqJM