Chinese Cloisonné Cats, ca. 1920 | Web Appraisal | Charleston

A Chinese rose vase crafted after an 18th century design is the subject of discussion and appraisal on the Antique Road Show. The many symbols depicted on the vase all have a common theme of good luck, long life and prosperity, including the "yuan" symbol, or what is commonly known today as the "swastika." The swastika (from Sanskrit svástika) is an important symbol in Eastern religions and in Native American faiths prior to World War II. The basic design is an equilateral cross with its arms bent at right angles in either right-facing or its mirrored left-facing form. Despite its negative connotations, historically the swastika has been associated with well-being, good fortune and spiritual victory, and a positive influence in almost all our ancestral cultures, existing for more than 15,000 years with different names and in many forms. Classic Coke Navajo Indian blanket A men’s hockey team called the Windsor Swastikas