《快乐大本营》精彩看点: 赵丽颖呆萌献唱可爱满分 Happy Camp Recap【湖南卫视官方版】

【愛看請訂閱】http://goo.gl/KOuwVb 主演/Casting: Zhang Han 張翰 - Feng Teng 封腾 Zhao Li Ying 趙麗穎 - Xue Shan Shan 薛杉杉 Huang Ming 黄明 - Zheng Qi 郑棋 Li Cheng Yuan 李呈媛 - Yuan Li Shu 元丽抒 故事/Synopsis: 雖然怀揣夢想,想通過自己努力成就一番事業,天性善良的杉杉(趙麗穎 )是因為自己有著稀有血型被招進風騰,不過杉杉不忘初心,一直奮鬥!為總裁妹妹輸血後杉杉被嘉獎吃豬肝飯,慢慢演變成了封騰(張翰)的專屬挑菜工。 封騰變著法子折磨善良的杉杉,而杉杉幾度反抗,卻每次都輸給技高一籌的封騰。之後封騰發小麗抒(李呈媛)回國,對封騰表達心意展開攻勢,並且與杉杉展開了競爭,而封騰好哥們鄭棋(黄明)因為愛上了麗抒而不得不幫襯著對付杉杉,這樣的情形下,反而更使得兩人堅定了在一起的決心,經歷種種,杉杉與封騰修成正果,幸福雖然姍姍來遲,也算終於來到! 而杉杉在收穫愛情的同時,也因為自身的不斷努力,在事業上也取得了不小的成績,完成了自己的夢想! Based off Gu Man's very popular internet novel, the story tells of a kind hearted young girl named Xue Shan Shan (Zhao Li Ying) who works at a big conglomerate. However one of her weaknesses is eating, she loves to eat, and so upon discovering this her boss, Feng Teng (Zhang Han) decides to intentionally fatten her up; she just so happens to share the same blood type as his sister, and thus has the motive of making her the blood donor. Hence comedy ensues as she melts his heart with her exceptional appetite and her cute charm.