大陆房地产迟早崩盘 有房要尽早卖-专家解说

https://www.youtube.com/user/umiwichina【优米网umiwi】官方频道 更多精彩视频 有人开玩笑说读完《货币战争1》,丢掉书就要去买黄金,实际从2007年以来,黄金价格确实一路飙升,近期宋鸿兵又说白银将是一生最大的投资机会,在现如今这个经济动荡、房地产泡沫不断增加的时期,到底什么才是我们的投资之道呢?本期节目宋鸿兵为您解析我们目前到底有没有投资渠道?中国的房价还会涨吗?【文化丝绸之路】 https://www.youtube.com/user/umiwichina the optimal meters net umiwi 】 the official channel more wonderful video,Someone joked that read "currency war 1" and throw the book be about to buy gold, actual since 2007, gold prices really soared, recent SongHongBing said silver will be the whole life be the biggest of investment opportunities, in nowadays the economic turbulence, a real estate bubble rising period, what is the way of our investment? This program SongHongBing for your analytical we are exactly have investment channels? China's house prices will rise?