639Hz Manifest Love While You Sleep ➤ Harmonize Relationships - Attract Love & Positive Energy

Click here to download my FREE meditation: https://www.meditationmasterysecrets.com/free-meditation Join my 30 Day Meditation Bootcamp online Udemy Course: http://vid.io/xviU Get My FREE Meditation MP3 Here ► http://www.relaxmeonline.com/free MP3 NOW AVAILABLE HERE: http://www.relaxmeonline.com/relaxation-music/affirmations/ Affirm your self worth and love with these spoken affirmations. For MEGA Download ANXIETY Pack, CLICK HERE: http://www.relaxmeonline.com/2015/04/22/relaxation-mega-downloads/ For MEGA Download SLEEP Pack, CLICK HERE: http://www.relaxmeonline.com/2015/04/22/relaxation-mega-downloads/ For MEGA Download PAIN RELIEF Pack, CLICK HERE: http://www.relaxmeonline.com/2015/04/22/relaxation-mega-downloads/ COPYRIGHT 2015 JASON STEPHENSON Affirmations used: I am beautiful in all ways I respect who I am I am confident in all aspects of myself My beauty is natural I am confident with who I am I release negativity I fill my mind with positive thoughts I attract so much beauty into my life I am healthy and happy I love me just the way I am I am comfortable in my own skin I am free of negativity I like the person I am becoming I love all aspects of my body I see the true beauty that I am I see the beauty within and without I think positive thoughts about myself and others I validate myself daily I have an attractive mind, body and spirit I like the person I am becoming I like the person I see in the mirror Feeling good about myself is my natural birthright I believe in who I am 100% Others can see my beauty shine forth I am worthy of seeing myself as beautiful I am powerful to overcome all negative aspects that present themselves in my life I confront what I need to do, with love in my heart I deal with what life throws at me I have the inner strength to face life head-on Each day my heart is filled with love, grace and beauty I am confident of the person I'm becoming I have all the willpower I need Each day I focus on my inner strength I can protect myself against any hurt that comes my way Life presents to me joyous circumstances My inner strength grows stronger each day I love me and I am worthy to have goodness in my life I am naturally strong My inner treasures shine forth NOT TO TAKE THE PLACE OF PROFESSIONAL MEDICAL ADVICE